.NET: Roslyn Has a Missing Path

This error seems to occur when I am opening an upgraded web project in Visual Studio 2019: 

This happens when the current codebase is using older VS2015 templates. 

The simplest approach is to open NuGet’s Package Configuration Console in Visual Studio and enter the following to upgrade the compiler: 

Update-Package Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform -r 


.NET: How To Use ViewData, ViewBag And TempData in MVC


It is a dictionary which can contain key-value pairs where each key must be string. We can use it in transferring data from Controller to View. We can only transfer data from Controller to view but if we wish to pass data back again to controller then it is not possible. So it is valid only for the current request.


ViewBag is also similar to ViewData. It is used to transfer data from Controller to View. It is a type of Dynamic object, that means you can add new fields to viewbag dynamically and access these fields in the View. You need to initialize the object of viewbag at the time of creating new fields.


TempData is a dictionary object derived from TempDataDictionary. It is for subsequent HTTP requests; unlike ViewBag and ViewData, those stay only for current request. It can be used to maintain data between controller actions as well as redirects.


.NET: What Version Is On the Target Server

I’m upgrading .NET (legacy 4.*) applications on multiple unfamiliar servers.  This includes needing to know if the currently installed framework meets my requirements.  Instead of fumbling through the actual registry, I can pasted this C# snippet into a console app and all is good:

REFERENCE: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/how-to-determine-which-versions-are-installed

Post-Mortem: Using the Repository Pattern With Entity Framework

Dear all future developers who may get stuck dealing with a couple of applications I’ve written over the past year or so.  I know that much future cursing at me is on the way.  Much to my regret, I confess I used repositories with Entity Framework Code-First.

…and I didn’t just use one or two,  I added at least four or five — on top of a BASE repository.  To make it worse, I even created a BaseController to deal with all this so that now I have inheriting controllers that have to deal with ramifications. 

The severity of the above could have been significantly reduced if I had written proper unit tests.  In one app, I actually DID write (improper — with very little mocking) unit tests first but because the tests now need to run on an independent build server, I have to suffer to re-write them quickly to meet a deadline but, the reality is, the apps need re-architecture.   

I’m working on a prototype with better architecture  but that will probably not have time to go through the the whole integration testings, etc. 

Thanks @hoagieland for your post.  It might be a little extreme but with many valid points.

All who have to deal with this particular flavor should read:

You’re All Doing Entity Framework Wrong

.NET Framework vs .NET Core vs .NET Standard ?!?

I think get a grip on the latest trends only to learn that I’m still steps behind.  Thanks to Immo Landwerth for this clear article and cool tricks.  It’s ten months old but new to me.  😑

.NET Standard – Demystifying .NET Core and .NET Standard

“NET Standard is a specification. Each .NET Standard version defines the set of APIs that all .NET implementations must provide to conform to that version. You can think of it as yet-another .NET stack, except that you can’t build apps for it, only libraries. It’s the .NET implementation you should use for libraries that you want to reference from everywhere.”

Descriptions of .NET
Open Source
.NET Framework
Used for building Windows desktop
and ASP.NET Web apps running on IIS.
.NET Core
Windows, Linux, macOS
Used for building cross-platform console
and ASP.NET Core Web apps and cloud
iOS, Android, macOS
Used for building mobile applications for
and Android, as well as desktop apps for
.NET Standard
Used for building libraries that can be
from all .NET implementations, such as
.NET Framework, .NET Core and Xamarin.