WordPress and PHP Compatibility

When setting up a WordPress site, it is helpful to determine the compatibilities of the technologies you are planning on using so that you do not run into issues later in your development. In particular, assure that the following components are compatible with each other:

  • Theme version
  • WordPress version. For example, you might not want the latest version.
  • Plug-in version
  • PHP version
  • Database version

The above need to be compatible from the start. The below reference can help to assure that your WordPress components are compatible with your PHP selection:

For further planning and upgrades, here is a good reference:


Software Bloat: Allocating Extra Hard Drive Space As RAM

I have an older laptop that I use for small tasks, but it no longer has sufficient resources to run the demands of ever-growing OS and browser bloat. If the RAM of your computer is not sufficient, both the performance and the speed will be affected. On Windows 10, you’re allowed to use your hard drive as RAM. Shout out to minitool.com to provide clear instructions as to how you how to increase the RAM by using hard disk on Windows 10.

C# Version History

Version .NET Framework Visual Studio Important Features
C# 1.0 .NET Framework 1.0/1.1 Visual Studio .NET 2002 Basic features
C# 2.0 .NET Framework 2.0 Visual Studio 2005 Generics
Partial types
Anonymous   methods
Nullable   types
Private   setters (properties)
Method   group conversions (delegates)
Covariance   and Contra-variance
Static   classes
C# 3.0 .NET Framework 3.0\3.5 Visual Studio 2008 Implicitly typed local variables
Object   and collection initializers
Auto-Implemented   properties
Anonymous   types
Extension   methods
Query   expressions
Lambda   expressions
Expression   trees
Partial Methods
C# 4.0 .NET Framework 4.0 Visual Studio 2010 Dynamic binding (late binding)
Named   and optional arguments
Generic   co- and contravariance
Embedded   interop types
C#   5.0 .NET   Framework 4.5 Visual   Studio 2012/2013 Async   features
Caller   information
C#   6.0 .NET   Framework 4.6 Visual   Studio 2013/2015 Expression   Bodied Methods
Auto-property   initializer
nameof   Expression
Primary   constructor
Await   in catch block
Exception   Filter
String   Interpolation
C# 7.0 .NET Core 2.0 Visual Studio 2017 out variables
Pattern   Matching
Local   functions
Generalized   async return types
Expanded expression body members
C#   8.0 .NET   Core 3.0 Visual   Studio 2019 Readonly   members
Default   interface methods
Using   declarations
Static   local functions
Disposable   ref structs
Nullable   reference types
Exception   Filter
String   Interpolation
C# 9.0 .NET 5.0 Visual Studio 2019 Records
Init-only   properties
Top-level   statements
Init   accessors and readonly fields
Value-based   equality
Inheritance changes
C#   10.0 .NET   6.0 Visual   Studio 2022 Record   structs
Global   using directives
File-scoped   namespace declaration
Extended   Proptery Patterns
Null   Parameter Checking
Constant   interpolated strings

How to Fix the Invalid JSON Response Error in WordPress

Per hubspot:

  • Go to Settings → Permalinks in your WordPress dashboard.
  • Click the Save Changes button. Even if you didn’t change anything, you should still click the save changes button because it will force WordPress to regenerate its rewrite rules.
  • Verify that the correct permalink structure is selected — If the correct structure is already selected, you don’t need to change anything.